Thematic Grouping of Medicinal Plants

Thematic Grouping of Medicinal Plants Dashapushpam Dashapushpam constitutes a group of ten sacred flowers that have significant therapeutic properties and are used in the traditional systems of medicine, such as Ayurveda. Sl. No. Malayalam English Hindi Botanical Name 1 Cheroola Mountain knot grass Kapurijadi Aerval anata 2 Karuka Bermuda grass Durva Cynodon dactylon 3 Kayyonni […]

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Bonsai Styles

Bonsai Styles All tree species have their own basic genetic shapes and sizes, but they get modified due to the locale and environment where they are growing. The growth of trees gets affected by the constant competition for resources like sunlight, water, manure and so on. Natural calamities such as earthquake, flood, hurricane, wildfire, avalanche,

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Inorganic vs Organic Fertilisers

Inorganic vs Organic Fertilisers Nutrients get depleted from soil over time, and fertilisers need to be added to compensate for the loss. Fertilisers are broadly divided into inorganic (chemical) fertilisers and organic fertilisers. Inorganic fertilisers are manufactured by processing chemical raw materials. Plants absorb nutrients contained in fertilisers through the process of ‘osmosis’, which requires

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Bonsai Aesthetics and Wabi-Sabi

Bonsai Aesthetics and Wabi-Sabi Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the norms to define what makes works of art beautiful, and how to appreciate their beauty. It considers what happens in people’s minds when they see aesthetic entities, such as works of art, drama, music or poetry. Bonsai, like most Japanese art

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Inorganic Fertilisers – NPK Demystified

Inorganic Fertilisers – NPK Demystified Plants require a number of non-mineral and mineral nutrients for their healthy growth. The non-mineral nutrients – Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon – are acquired from air and water through “photosynthesis”. The mineral nutrients are absorbed by the plants from the soil through its roots. The mineral nutrients comprise macronutrients and

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