
Nalpamaram Bonsai Trees

Nalpamaram Bonsai Trees Ficus varieties are good candidates for bonsai creation, especially for beginners. They grow fast, are hardy plants, can survive heavy rain, sun, can withstand scarce watering, repotting & wiring and so on. Two ficus varieties that are grown generally by bonsai enthusiasts are Ficus benghalensis and Ficus religiosa. These, and other ficus […]

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Compost Tea for Bonsais

Compost Tea for Bonsais Compost is plant and animal-based organic matter decayed organically by bio-degradation. Compost tea is generally made by adding water to compost in a ratio of 4:1: to 10:1, and allowing the water to leach through the compost. The collected liquid, compost tea, is an effective and potent organic liquid manure. However,

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My Bonsai Adventure

My Bonsai Adventure My rendezvous with bonsais started in 2009, when I visited an exhibition at Trivandrum during Onam celebrations. I was seeing bonsais for the first time in my life and got totally smitten by the allure of those little beauties. I must admit that at that time, I was more intrigued by the

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The Ethics of Bonsai Growing

The Ethics of Bonsai Growing Introduction Who does not enjoy the colourful bloom of a Bougainvillea? The multitude of colours parades the beauty of nature and makes everyone feel good for the moment. But have you ever seen a Bougainvillea other than in a pot? Very rarely; may be in some public park or in

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Bonsai Classification by Size

Bonsai Classification by Size The art of bonsai is creating miniature replicas of mature trees in nature. Even as bonsais are small, there are various sizes in which they are made. The smallest bonsais are little more than seedlings, while the largest ones that grow in the Japanese Imperial Palace gardens (Imperial size) require as

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Bonsai Styles

Bonsai Styles All tree species have their own basic genetic shapes and sizes, but they get modified due to the locale and environment where they are growing. The growth of trees gets affected by the constant competition for resources like sunlight, water, manure and so on. Natural calamities such as earthquake, flood, hurricane, wildfire, avalanche,

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Bonsai Aesthetics and Wabi-Sabi

Bonsai Aesthetics and Wabi-Sabi Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the norms to define what makes works of art beautiful, and how to appreciate their beauty. It considers what happens in people’s minds when they see aesthetic entities, such as works of art, drama, music or poetry. Bonsai, like most Japanese art

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