Preparation and Use of Some Organic Insecticides

While chemical insecticides are harmful, organic insecticides are safer and healthier. Preparation and use of some easy-to-make and effective organic insecticides are discussed in the sections below.

1. Tobacco-Soap Emulsion

Soak 100 gm tobacco in 1 litre water for 24 hours. Strain and collect the liquid decoction.

Dissolve 50 gm washing soap or 2 tablespoons liquid detergent in 200 ml water. Pour the soap solution into the tobacco decoction slowly, stirring vigourously.

Dilute the emulsion 10 times and spray on the plants. Tobacco-Soap emulsion is effective for controlling aphids, caterpillars, slugs, some types of worms and other soft-bodied insects infesting vegetable crops. Do not use on salacious plants such as tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. The decoction is hazardous to humans.

2. Kerosene–Soap Emulsion

Dissolve 50 gm washing soap or 2 tablespoons liquid detergent in 500 ml water. Pour the soap solution into 900 ml kerosene slowly, stirring vigourously, till the oil is fully emulsified.

Dilute the emulsion by adding 20 litres of water and spray on plants. Kerosene–Soap Emulsion is effective against insects that suck the sap from the plants.

3. Soap-Neem Oil–Garlic Emulsion

Dissolve 50 gm washing soap or 2 tablespoons liquid detergent in 500 ml water. Pour the soap solution into 200 ml neem oil slowly, stirring vigorously.

Grind 200 gm garlic into a fine paste adding 300 ml water. Filter the garlic extract through a muslin cloth and then add to the neem oil soap emulsion.

Dilute 1:10 and spray on plants. Soap-Neem oil-Garlic emulsion is especially good for pests that suck the sap from the plants.

4. Basil Leaves Juice Trap

Squeeze handful of Basil leaves well in the hand and put into a small container (one half of a coconut shell would be a good container). Add 10 gm jaggery and a pinch of Furadan into the container. Fill half of the container with water and mix well.

Hang the container on the trellis. Good for trapping the flies. Change the contents of the shell every 4 days.

5. Rice Water Trap

Fill a small container (one half of a coconut shell) with rice water (water strained after cooking rice). Add 10 gm jaggery, 1 pinch Furadan and 3 pinches yeast into the container and mix well.

Hang the container on the trellis. Good for trapping the flies. Change the contents of the shell every 4 days.

6. Alcohol-Soap Solution

Mix half cup alcohol (rubbing or drinking kind) and 2 tablespoons liquid detergent in one litre water. Kills mealy bugs. Do not store – make new for each use. Mix and spray when needed.

7. Salt Solution

Mix 2 tablespoons salt in 1 litre warm water and spray on the plants. Kills cabbage worms and spider mites. Mix when needed.

Some simple effective home remedies for garden pests:

  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon baking soda in 1 litre water and add few drops of any liquid detergent. This solution is effective against blackspot, powdery mildew and rust.
  2. Sprinkle broken eggshells around the base of plants. Slugs will get deterred from crossing over the line of eggshells.
  3. Mix flour and black pepper powder. Sprinkle the mixture around the plants to protect against pests.
  4. Toss mothballs in the garden to safeguard against pests.
  5. Mix Aluminium foil strips with garden soil. Aluminium foil deters pests due to its reflective property.
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