Thematic Grouping of Medicinal Plants


Dashapushpam constitutes a group of ten sacred flowers that have significant therapeutic properties and are used in the traditional systems of medicine, such as Ayurveda.

Sl. No.MalayalamEnglishHindiBotanical Name
1CheroolaMountain knot grassKapurijadiAerval anata
2KarukaBermuda grassDurvaCynodon dactylon
3KayyonniFalse daisyBhanraEclipta alba
4MukkutiLittle tree plantLajaluBiophytum sensitivum
5MuyalchevianLila tassel flowerHirankhuriEmilia sonchifolia
6NilappanaBlack musliKali musliCurculigo orchioides
7PoovamkurunnilaLittle iron weedShahadeviCyanthillium cinereum
8ThiruthaliMorning gloryBankalmiIpomoea sepiaria
9UzhinjaBalloon plantKapalphotiCardiospermum halicacabum
10VishnukranthiDwarf morning gloryVishnukranthaEvolves aisinoides


Dashamoolam comprises dried roots of ten plants. These have valuable medicinal properties and are herbal remedies for numerous health conditions, especially those related to nerves, muscles, bones, joints and lungs.  The word Dashamoolam is derived from ‘Dasha’ (ten) and ‘moolam’ (root) in Sanskrit.

Sl. No.MalayalamEnglishHindiBotanical Name
1CheruvazhuthinaIndian nightshadeBrihatiSolanum violaceum
2KandakarichundaYellow-berry nightshadeKantakariSolanum xanthocarpum
3KoovalamGolden appleBaelAegle marmelos
4KumizhuBeech woodGambhariGmelina arborea
5MoovilaSticky desmodiumChapaknoPseudarthria viscida
6MunjaHeadache treeAraniPremna serratifolia
7NjerinjilPuncture vineGokshuraTribulus terrestris
8OrilaSal leaved desmodiumShalaparniDesmodium gangeticum
9PalakappayyaniIndian trumpet flowerShyonakaOroxylum indicum
10PathiriTrumpet flower treePatalaStereospermum colais


Nalpamaram (“Nal-pal-maram”, meaning four trees with milky sap) is an ayurvedic concoction, which is a combination of four ficus tree barks. It is commonly used for treatment of skin diseases such as ringworm infestation and for cosmetic purposes. Water boiled with Nalpamaram is considered good to bathe pregnant women, new mothers and small babies.

Sl. No.MalayalamEnglishHindiBotanical Name
1AtthiCluster figGoolarFicus racemosa
2ItthiIndian laurelJuvviFicus microcarpa
3ArayalSacred figPeepal, BodhiFicus religiosa
4PeralBanyanVadFicus benghalensis


Triphala (“three fruits”) is an Ayurvedic herbal remedy made up of equal parts of dried fruits of three myrobalan plants viz. Nelli (Amalaki), Thanni (Bibhitaki) and Kadukka (Haritaki). Triphala has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and is a multi-purpose medicine for ailments ranging from stomach problems to dental issues.

Sl. No.MalayalamEnglishHindiBotanical Name
1NelliIndian gooseberryAmalakiEmblica officinalis
2ThanniBehadaBibhitakiTerminalia bellirica
3KadukkaChebulic myrobalanHaritakiTerminalia chebula


Trikatu is made from three pungent (katu) herbs viz Black pepper, Ginger and Long pepper, which when consumed together stimulate ‘Agni’, i.e. the digestive fire in the body, and improves the assimilation of nutrients in the body. Trikatu is an effective Ayurvedic medicine for digestion, gas, bloating, respiratory health and weight loss.

Sl. No.MalayalamEnglishHindiBotanical Name
1KurumulakuBlack pepperKali mirchPiper nigrum
2InchiGingerAdrakZingiber officinale
3ThippaliLong pepperPippaliPiper longum


Trigandha (“three smells”) blends 3 mood-elating smells, which are extracts of 3 plants viz. Agarwood, Sandalwood and Red sandalwood. Trigandha helps induce adrenal health, positive response to anxiety and stressfulness, healthy mood, and restful sleep.

Sl. No.MalayalamEnglishHindiBotanical Name
1AkilAgarwoodOudhAquilaria agallocha
2ChandanamSandalwoodChandanSantalum album
3RakthachandanamRed sandalwoodLal chandanPterocarpus santalinus
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