“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
Native American Proverb

During my professional life spent in various places across our country, my wife and I always dreamt of a life in a countryside after retirement. We imagined a serene life in harmony with nature; a LIFE CLOSE TO NATURE – green surroundings, clean air, pure water, and rustic tranquility devoid of pollution and noise of cities – although we would miss out the goodies of city life. On second thoughts, it dawned on us that a life close to nature need not be in a countryside. One can rather live in the purlieu of a city, so be close to nature but not deprived of the perks of city life. Hearing sounds of birds chirping in the morning, basking in the smell of pristine fresh air, and watching stars in the clear night sky while still seeing city lights on the horizon, would indeed be delightsome living.

We purchased a piece of barren hilly land in the outskirts of Trivandrum city (Kerala) and transformed it over the years into a fully organic hobby farm and now living our dream in the midst of nature, together with our dogs – Dan and Tim. We grow coconut, coffee, and spices such as pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon. We have about 50 fruit plant varieties and 100 plus medicinal plants in the farm. A kitchen garden supplies most vegetables for home use. We have been growing bonsais for over 10 years and have close to 200 bonsai plants at various stages of maturity. We maintain all these ourselves with minimal external help.

Welcome to our slice of nature!

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